Great Tennis, Great Club
The New Westminster Tennis Club is a member-only club that offers great value and enjoyment.
Members only pay an annual fee (new members must pay initiation), and there are no court fees or other charges to play.
We have different classes of membership to suit various needs. We have special pricing for students, juniors, and non-playing members.
Benefits of Membership
- Access to four member-only tennis courts
- All courts have lights until 11 PM
- An excellent club pro who gives individual and group lessons
- No court bookings—come out and play!
- We have multiple men’s and ladies’ Tennis BC Spring League teams. Get your match on!

...and more!
- Social events throughout the year
- An annual club tournament in late August/early September
- A live-feed webcam with view of all four courts
- Access to a beautiful clubhouse with full facilities—kitchen, lounge, wireless internet access, washrooms, changing rooms, and showers
- Great view of all four courts from the upper-level deck